Publication Charge/Waiver Policy

Publication Charge policy

Being an open access journal, Material Science Research India offers universal free access to all the published articles, as it aims not to restrict the readership and to disseminate knowledge without any constraints. In order to support open access initiative APC is impose for manuscript submission instead of charging any fee to the users to read the published content. We do not imply any submission charges but applies only processing charges. The journal offset all production costs through article processing charges which is the only source of finance for the production cost of the journal, for hosting website, publishing article online and copy-editing.

For Authors

Material Science Research India Journal aims to encourage and enable authors from all countries to share their scientific knowledge with others and learn from others without any barriers. To remove financial constraints as a barrier for sharing and learning especially for authors from low and lower-middle income economies.MSRI has formulated some relaxation in Article Publication Charges. The groups of countries listed receive relaxation which were identified based on the classification of countries by World Bank (Gross national income and Gross national income per capita figures) and United Nations (United Nations least developed country list and Human Development Index).

For India

For Foriegn

For Reviewer

For every manuscript reviewed by the reviewer 20% waiver will be given for one manuscript submitted by the reviewer as first author or corresponding author, for publication in MSRI. The waiver will applicable on the final invoice amount. 

For Editors

Editors and Members of the Editorial Board of our journal can publish any number of articles. The submissions of all the manuscript to the journal from Editorial Board Members will be free of any publication charges.